I would refuse

by | Jul 24, 2013 | Uncategorized

file000744425830It’s the year 2113. A major museum is running an exhibition on life and culture as it was in 2013. You’re asked to write an introduction for the show’s brochure. What will it say?

I probably would refuse because I’m not an expert on art and culture, I only have the data of half of the year and I don’t know if the museums in 2113 would use brochures to introduce its exhibits.

What I know is that 2013 is a year of deep crisis all around the world and it’s difficult to predict the outcome. Times of crisis are chaotic in many ways, also in the artistic world.

We know who are the most known and successful artists, but we don’t know which ones will succeed with the pass of the time. I can say what I like and what I don’t like about the art today, but I cannot predict if some artists nobody knows yet are right know doing something new that would last for centuries. I hope these artists are living and working in our 2013.

I hope good experts would discover them and include them in an exhibit a hundred years from now to make justice to our troubled time.

Daily Prompt: From the Collection of the Artist.


  1. carrico

    And of course, my Olga you have every right to do this. To restrict art/culture to the confines of one physical space is in itself absurd. Even a painting must be seen in relation to those who view it, for it takes on a more universal character. I remember a Picasso collection in Barcelona. Only when I stepped back and saw the women viewing it did it finally relate to something I could grasp. Can I grasp 2013 yet ? No, I’m far too close to the canvas. In my mind, however, I can travel to the Stedelijk in Amsterdam. I waited for 5 years for it to open. Now we can’t travel there, but our memories are intact. I believe you are saying the same thing. Thanks.

    • Olga Brajnović

      Exactly and you explained it better than me.Thank you.



  1. Daily Prompt: From the Collection of the Artist | writinglikeastoner - […] I would refuse | Life is great […]
  2. 24 July Daily Prompt: From the Collection of the Artist | Family, Photos, Food and Craft - […] I would refuse (vivirquenoespoco.wordpress.com) […]
  3. Daily Prompt: From the Collection of the Artist | flow of my soul - […] I would refuse | Life is great […]

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