A hug

by | Dec 20, 2013 | daily prompt

Tell us about the time when you performed a secret random act of kindness — where the recipient of your kindness never found out about your good deed. How did the deed go down?

If I tell you it will no longer be a secret. I prefer to keep them unknown. Only I can assure you I’m not a secret Santa. I would like to have a lot of money to do it  but I have not. I help with what I can through my church and charities.

Besides, there are a lot of act of kindness that get unnoticed because of the lack of appreciation of the recipients that take them for granted.

Others are thirsty of kindness more than anything else.

I remember a day I was buying mexican bread in San Francisco. A homeless woman had entered the bakery and was counting her coins to decide what to buy. The attendant was impatient. I asked her what she wanted and bought her a loaf of bread. The attendant gave her the loaf of bread and told her very nastily to go away because she smelled bad and was a nuisance in her shop. It was very embarrassing. When I exited the bakery I found the homeless woman in the street crying. She stopped me.

She wanted to thank me for buying the bread for her and to explain to me why she smelled bad.

– I don’t like to smell bad. I don’t have a choice. I don’t have a home. I don’t have where to take a shower.

She was crying disconsolate telling me that nobody liked her, that everybody avoided her. I tried to console her.

– I need a hug, she told me.

So I gave her a hug. It was a big hug.

People passing by were looking at us funny but I didn’t care. She could ask me for money, but she didn’t. At that moment she needed a hug, a little act of kindness. Nothing more.

Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness.
Kind posts by other bloggers on the next page:



  1. Daily Prompt: Random Act of Kindness | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss - […] A hug | Life is great […]
  2. Repeated Kindness | A mom's blog - […] A hug | Life is great […]
  3. Why It’s Good To Give In Secret | The Jittery Goat - […] A hug | Life is great […]
  4. Walking the Walk | Manresa, Maine - […] A hug | Life is great […]
  5. A little mind-twister on random kindnesses | Rob's Surf Report - […] A hug | Life is great […]

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