Crazy streets

by | Jun 20, 2015 | daily prompt

You have been named supreme ruler of the universe. Your first order of business is creating and instituting a holiday or festival in your honor. What day of the year is your holiday? What special events will take place? Describe YOU DAY in as great a detail as you can muster: the special foods we’ll consume, the decorations we’ll use…everything.

street player1 20-6-2015

I don’t want to be the ruler of the universe, nor create a holiday in my honour. I have enough with my home and my birthday. Now I’m hearing bells from the gothic churches chiming because is Saturday and they are calling for the vespers, a folk marching band, and rock electric guitars. What a mix!. All is going on in the streets around my house situated  in the heart of the old city of Pamplona. A big group of friends are having fun in my street with folk music, eating and drinking. Street musicians are doing noisy sound checks with their electric guitars in the square. So we have noise guaranteed for all the evening. There are street performers all around. In two weeks we will be immersed in our big annual festival with thousands of visitors from all around the world. What more can I ask? Maybe some peace?

Festivus for the Rest of Us.


    • Olga Brajnović

      Our neighborhood is really fun. 🙂

  1. rogershipp

    You could create a holiday for “quiet”???? Step on up… Enjoy the power!

    • Olga Brajnović

      I didn’t think about it. It’s a good idea. 🙂

      • rogershipp

        There are many months that I would enjoy that particular holiday!


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